Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have been thinking about car companies and the Church and spirituality.  This is the year that we celebrate the Vatican 11 Documents. It is much like a guide or book of rules and regulations.  You must look carefully to find the gems and treasures within the pages.  It is essentially a re-tooling of the Church and the Faith.  It is the re-defining and upgrading of the Faith of our Fathers that makes it strong, vibrant and able to run the race and endure for the long haul. 

Like the Chrysler Corp., the Ford Company or the venerable Chevy, we too must do a little re-tooling, refine our design, and perhaps even alter our style, as indicated by The Vat. 11 Documents.  We all need a little updating now and then.

The engine that drives the Church is the   the Eucharist; the Body and Blood of Christ, "the heart of the church."  Yes, we can go to church every day and even "twice Sunday," as they say.  If we take it all for granted, pray by rote and follow all prescribed prayers and activities, is that enough?

We need to fully realize that receiving Holy Communion is a gift of the Spirit that gives us that inner awareness that we are becoming One with the Trinity.  The Trinity resides in us and we become part of our Lord.  In a sense you might think of yourself as part of "The Trinity" when you receive this great moment of re-tooling and refining of the knowledge of God.  That us.  We are the "vehicle" that God has encouraged to power His Church.  "Do this in memory of me."

We can run our little engines on "Reg" or rev. it up a bit with premium; the "higher the octane, the better the performance."

The Eucharist is the mystery that we partake of; the center of life of the church.  We will never be able to fully comprehend the Trueness of God, the Trinity, but the receiving and union with the Spirit makes us a Holy Temple of the Lord.  Even if we don't appreciate or are unable to fathom the mystery of it, we will become better persons for it, even if it is a rote discipline or done out of habit.  Each step counts.

If you have a Vat. 11 Doc. book, read pages 4, 16, 19, 46, 49, and onward.  Perhaps you may need to read it several times to got the "gist" of it.  If you do not have the book, your library will have it. It is a profound mystery.  Please do read it.
This day I have tried to find a little more information about my family in NY and in NJ.  I am sure they are all right, but it would be nice to know how they made out.  I know that my niece in Manhattan is without power and that another niece probably had to stay all night at the hospital where she works.  As far as I can determine there wasn't any flooding in my hometown.  God was and is watching over them.

I went out to pick up my medication this afternoon.  $210.00, cash under Obama care.  Some of my eye qtts. were double in price.  Yuk.  So it goes.


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