Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I wish I had intelligent verbiage to write about, but I don't. It is below normal cold and I turned the heat up...again. tomorrow is supposed to be better. I hope so because the cold, damp weather makes the pins, screws and plates in my arm react the the change of temperature and humidity.

Chicken coop is getting close to done, if only the sun would shine long enough to paint the corrugated metal roof and sides. These are recycled metal sheets and do need to be painted as they are rusty. A good paint job will make it spiffy and new looking.

I need to get busy and get my taxes done tonight. I keep putting it off. Lazy me.

There is one blog that annoys me to no end. It is a highly negative site that condemns and has frequent tirades with vulgarity to spice it up. I would much rather read something more positive that offers solutions and/or good advice. I do not advocate violence and insurrection. I do believe in self defense and proper preparations for the unforeseen events that happen daily around the world.

Wed., April 15, 2009....tax day.

"A bloodless Revolution" Jefferson


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