Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The rain came down and the seeds came up, even the bucket potatoes are sprouting. We needed the moisture after a dry week. Now the humidity is on the rise and the mosquitoes are starting to be annoying.

Two little chickens kept getting out and I have been chasing them up and down the alley in the rain. The cat was slinking about and I didn't want the fat cat to get to them first. The larger chicks are content to stay in their new home where they are now acclimated. Those two wee ones want to explore the world outside the fence and not stay home.

I had to go to Sears today so I took myself to the Chinese Restaurant too. Yum, beats cooking in this now warmer weather.

I just found out I was supposed to get a permit for the erection of Chicken Condo. No one told me: I didn't ask and I ain't telling. The Condo looks like it has always been there as it was constructed from recycled materials. You know its all about money and taxes for the city coffers, anyway.

It seems like everyone is in a near panic over the Swine Flu. There is a lot of disinformation being written by boogers. I didn't pay attention to the last "pandemic" other than I had to make up 27 sick trays in one eve and deliver the meals. That was back when one person got to do it all. That was not a fun evening, as I recall. I am a believer in lots of liquids and good food. Most illnesses will resolve and go away unless there are other factors to be considered.

I do not lead an exciting life unless you count chasing chickens in the rain, so I will close.


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