Monday, April 6, 2009


It's April in Western Kentucky. The weather should be warm. It isn't. This morning it was spitting snow. We have had more than our share of April showers in the past week. What happened to Global Warming? It's more like Global Cooling. The summers used to be horribly hot and humid: Now the summers are just hot and humid. The winters are getting longer and colder, too. Don't like it by much.

I should go shopping, but don't want to go out into a cold off and on drizzle. Maybe tomorrow.

The chicks are imprinting on me. When I go to feed and water them they at first flock to the door, then scramble over to the far corner. They flock right back when they see the food go into the dish and the water poured into the watering jar. In some ways they are smart and in other ways they are just dumb, little chicks. The are fun to watch, but I will not name them because at some point I may eat them

Another, probably the same, possum was in the trap. Next time it takes a trip to the State Park.


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