Friday, April 10, 2009


The rain came down in torrents. We had a tornado watch for awhile, but no tornadoes here. We were lucky again, but others were not so fortunate.

The chicks are eating about 3 lbs of starter per day and drinking lots of water. They are messy creatures, indeed!

When I went out to look at the critter trap...a critter was peering around it and watching me. I think it was the Woodchuck, but didn't get a good view as it moved away and behind the box. If it weren't raining I would have put more bait in the box...pumpkin seeds.

I bought a cordless pone because I get calls at the most unusual times, like when I am in the b.r. or trying to eat a meal. I didn't put it in my pocket so I had to run to the phone anyway. I'll get used to it.

I had planned to go shopping today, but between the storm and someone coming to check my PAP machine and O2 concentrator, I just didn't make it out.

There is another round of storms heading this way so it is time to shut down.


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