Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am watching the little chickens grow. It's far better entertainment than most TV. The little roosters are so curious and are developing tail feathers and growing "cones." Next week they will probably graduate from starter feed to scratch feed.

My sister called from Virginia asking how cold the weather was and if we had snow. Yes, it is cold for April and yes, we had snow flurries. If I wanted to be cold I would have gone back to NY state to live.

A friend of mine has become hooked on Bingo. The first time she went she won 1500 bucks. She wanted me to go with her last night, but I declined. My balance is not to be trusted now since I hurt my arm. My right arm basically dangles now and I have developed a fear of falling. My hand works, but can not reach my mouth..and that is bad for a person with a hearty desire for food!!

There isn't much to write about as I have been staying in, avoiding crummy weather. I have been out to the Dr's, but only 'cause I had to go. Now the Dr. is talking about an elbow joint replacement again, but I prefer to wait for fall weather...my arm, my choice. By than He will probably change his mind again. He will be equated to the little chickens: not knowing what he wants to do.


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