Friday, April 24, 2009


Its hard to write something new every day. Some blogs are disappearing or are sparsely posted. Some are repeats of old news or older posts. It must be really hard for those that post for the advertising fees they garner. Well, bloggers generally don't get rich from advertiser unless they are unique or fill a certain niche.

But I persist for friends and family. Posting keeps us in contact and lets us know the life is still an experience.

Today I looked at at new car. It is hard for me to get in and out of my van with one really functional hand and arm. I looked, but didn't buy. My van is paid for and only has 32.000 miles on it. At my present age and income I really don't want car payments. Besides, as pretty as a new car can be, I had more trouble getting in and out of that little Ford than I do with my van. You can't haul chicken feed in a pretty little car either.

As usual I fell asleep halfway through the Glenn Beck show. In the meantime Chuck must have come by and fed the feathered fiends. When I went out to feed them their feeder was full and the water had been emptied and refilled. That is good because I can not lift the 3 gallon water container.

I would like to get rid of the automobiles that I do have. I have a 1960 4 door, 6 cylinder stick shift Rambler deluxe. People want it, but want it for nothing or next to nothing. No sale. Go away. If I were to sell it I would buy a nice camera and post ugly chickens pictures on my blog. Or maybe a shot of one of the Paddle Wheelers that ply the Ohio in the summer time. Or maybe I wouldn't figure out how to go about all that.

Today has been a kind of Ice Tea day with the temperature in the low 80's and low humidity. Time to get the fans out.

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