It has been a really nice day. No rain, slightly cloudy and warm. The humidity has not hit Western Ky. yet, but it will in short order. The little chicken pen has a window and a screen which is good because it was getting warm and stinky in there. After I got the room cleaned, Chuck, the handyman, got the window open and the peepers have had fresh air for the day. It is now time to close it because their beloved heat lamp has been turned off. They are now big enough to do without it at night.
I hope the chicken wire becomes available soon because they need to be out into the cruel, cruel world.The little rooster thinks he owns the universe he is in and is not afraid of much, pecking at my feet and chasing the other chicks. He could become a pet, but that isn't a good idea, is it?
My computer does the oddest things at times, including going to the sites or back to pages that I have already read. It slows down my blogging/writing.
Last night I was very tired. I went to bed at 9 PM and got up at 9 AM. It felt good to stay in bed. Usually I don't go to bed before 12 Am or thereafter. So, I guess the body knows what it needs.
It is time to feed the dinosaurs their last feeding. They seem to like banana skins, too, even though the Internet info. says that chickens don't like potato peels or banana peels either. So, what do the experts know anyway..yuk, yuk.
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