Wednesday, April 22, 2009


What are you doing for Earth Day? I am doing absolutely nothing. As far as I am concerned every day is Earth Day. Like old Ben said, "Waste not, Want Not. I try to use everything I bring into the house at least once or twice before it goes out the door and into the trash. Yes, I even darn my socks.

I try not to be a conspicuous consumer. Its not that I am a cheap skate, its just that I am conservative by upbringing and nature. Having limited funds in youth and even into adulthood makes we, the older generation, more attentive to discretionary spending. We watch what we spend money on and on what we buy, 'cause "Money doesn't grown trees." I am afraid that today's younger generation is learning this hard lesson first hand.

My leftovers do not go in the garbage. Leftovers go into the crock pot for soup. If I make too much soup it goes into the freezer. At the moment I am making Bean Soup in the crock pot. It has left over mashed potatoes and gravy in it as well as the beans, pieces of ham
and a few slices of bacon. I smell the onions cooking. When this pot is done I will have used up the leftovers and have more soup for the freezer.

I can not say I have never wasted anything because when I got home after surgery I had to toss a lot of food out of the fridge; it still bugs me that I had to do that.

I can darn socks on the sewing machine; yes I can! Most of my socks are in good condition except for the toes. You can "darn" by using a tight zig zag stitchon your sewing machine. Be sure that the stitch is on the outside of the sock(s) or the seam will rub on your toes. And when the socks finally do wear out they make good dust cover on the end of your duster..and they are washable too.

If you cut both ends out to a soup/vegetable can you can slip a small tomato plant into the can to prevent cut worms. Oh Boy, I am just a fountain of information...!

Every day is Earth Day. Use everything twice or as often as you can. Make it your Earth Day every day, too.


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