Thursday, April 9, 2009

One Third

One third of the garden is in and just in time as it is raining a good steady rain. It is too early for some things because the weather continues to be cooler than average. Usually by the first of April I will have turned my furnace off for the season, but I turned the heat up this afternoon. I guess more rain is coming. The local weather man says it always rains on Good Friday.

Glenn Beck says everyone should keep a journal. Does a Blog count as a journal? Maybe you wouldn't want to put your innermost secrets or darkest thoughts in a blog, but some people actually do just that. Hmmm...I think my blog will be just a simple blog from a simple mind.

Lets talk about IRA's..I had one. Thanks to the Hole in the Wall Street Gang it is pretty much defunct. If I live to be 100 it may recover...Ha!..maybe. Now the President and his party of Swoop 'n Scoop are about to scoop up any and all traces of wealth and/or stability left over. Most of the Congress member are older men that will not have any future financial hardships because they have taken care of their bankrolls well in advance.

Most of us have forgotten that a lot of politicians could and should be impeached for the what they have been involved in, even if what they did was to only "close their eyes. "God Bless the Politicians because no one will.

I try to blog something every day, but sometimes I bore myself! I am not a great thinker or political expert. I just know that stupid chickens are smarter than some (a lot!!) of politicians.

I would be happy to hear any comments or suggestions from anyone.


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