Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Weeds. I got into the garden and pulled lots of weeds. I filled a garden cart and I am not done yet. While we were having our little heat wave I opted for good health and stayed in the where it was cooler and safer from the high humidity. However, the weeds took over the garden and grew to about at least a foot tall or more in some places. Now I can see be where the beets are. I went up the middle of one row between the beets and onions. Pulling weeds also pulled up a few onions. Those landed in the kitchen sink and will find their way into a nice salad tomorrow. Tomorrow, if I can still walk or move, I need to get on the other side of the beets and in between the tomatoes. That will require a different approach. I hate to say that I will most likely use a pruner for some of the taller weeds. I am making progress, though. I hate that it got so bad. As I have high b/p in my "mature" years"...I let the weeds go and grow. Now, that we are having a few nice days before we jump back into the frying pan...I will try to make the most of the better weather.

I drank some wine tonight. Even though I make good home made wine I seldom drink any of it. I made myself a wine spritzer; a little wine, a lot of soda and ice. Pretty good for a change. I didn't have "lunch" until nearly four in the afternoon, When I am in the garden time stands still and I don't want to stop and check the passage of the hours. If I pay no attention to my watch I get more done that way. There is lots to be done.

I tracked a lot of loose dirt into the house. When you "got to go" you just have to carry the dirt in with you. There isn't time to change shoes and be neat about re-entry from garden to bathroom.

The ads for Wal-Mart finally came. There is nothing that I want or need. It's all about the commercialism of the 4th of July. Every holiday is a just that, and the price of gas spikes, too. Even with the big mess in the Gulf of Despair...there isn't a shortage. There is a glut of oil...for now. When it gets cold Corporate America will jack up the prices again and when the oil and gas prices rise, so does the cost of putting food on the table. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

We are in Afghanistan for the "vast treasure house of minerals, oil and gold" that was "just" discovered. They have known of the riches over there for many years. Our soldiers are not there to liberate and bring democracy to the poor down trodCheck Spellingen. Our soldiers are bleeding and dying for Corporate Greed and corruption. If the government wants to bring freedom to an oppressed people they could start right here. They won't even protect our boarders. They could go into the hills of Eastern KY, VA, the Appalachian Mountains, and do some good-a lot of good-right here in our own backyard. Nah...no money in that. Blood and bone of brave American soldiers will not put money in THEIR pockets.

Well, that little bit of wine must have gone straight to my head because I am on a roll here-a mild rant. I had better quit while I am ahead. Besides, I am very tired. I got up before six.


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