Yes, I found my split peas. Wal-Mart has them at $00.73 cents a bag. I got four bags and may get more later if I have left-over money. Ha! Can you "warm up" left over money in the microwave and make it stretch like day old meat and tatters? I also found the Mylar(space blankets) that I wanted. They were cheap enough so I got two. Also, found 22 long hollow pt. shells. Got them, too. Wanted and found a Magnesium Fire Starter(made in China) for my"go bag." So, in my aimless wanderings in Wal-Mart I picked up some items that I wanted to add to my stocking up stuff. I was wondering when they would start ID-ing people picking up rifle shells-now they do. What's next?
I didn't work in the garden. My body said "no" to that and I said, "Oh, OK." Tomorrow is an other day.
The melon I planted puts out blossoms, but no melons. I'm sure I put out two melon plants, but can't see/find one. The pepper plants are starting to perk up and put out blossoms again. I love peppers. I want to start a "summer garden" soon. The growing season here is long enough for a second selected garden planting. Soon as the potatoes die back and I dig them up I will have room for good vegetables. I don't know how the digging will effect my arm, but I will find out and persist no matter what.
It is almost 8 PM and I have not had supper yet, so it to the kitchen for something to eat.
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