Friday, January 28, 2011

Storing up/Stocking up


I went shopping a little bit this afternoon  I am slowly replenishing my "pantry" and hope to do so next week, as well.  I got a few items that were on sale and a few items that I really didn't need, but got them anyway.
  1. 2 cans of tomato juice for 98 cents each.
  2. 4 jars of spaghetti sauce for 98 cents each.
  3. 2 cans of creamed corn for 50 cents or 2/$1.00.
  4. 2 loaves of bread for 85 cents each.
  5. 2 large jugs of  washing machine detergent-2/$5.00
I did have to pay full price for 1/2 gal. of milk and $2.89 for a small jar of honey.  The one thing I didn't really need was the plate lunch form the Deli. for $5.49, but it looked good and smelled even better.  They are not stingy with their plate lunches, so I can get two meals out it which equals out at about $2.75 per meal...and I didn't have to cook it, use energy or wash the dishes later.
I would like to go back and get more stuff, but I won't have the money to spend before next week.  Next week may bring about more sales, too.  I am really watching the sales as the price of groceries go up, up, and sailing away.

I am about to change this blog again.  I don't know what direction it will take, but blogs need "freshening" now and again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

You have a very good looking pantry. Mine currently is small by comparison but I keep adding to it. The one I had at Win's house has about 6 months supply of the basics, soups, veges, pastas, etc.

I was given a big package of frozen chicken breasts. Several in the package, way too much for one meal. So tomorrow I plan to cook them up and the left overs I plan on canning and putting into my pantry. Will make a good meal when the need arises. :-)

Have a great night! I am off to bed.

Blessings, Alice