Thursday, July 7, 2011


I mowed the front yard today.  There was corn growing in the front lawn.  The man  across the street feeds the squirrels  and they carry it over here  and drop the kernels in the grass.  As I haven't mowed the front in a couple weeks the corn grew very fast and about a foot tall.  If I had planted corn in the garden it would never have taken off like that!

I went out and dug up a few more small potatoes; enough for a meal, and got some meat out of the freezer to thaw out.  That was supper and it was good.  The Lord said "Feed my sheep," so I did.   Baaaah.

I put the tired, blemished, old potatoes into a box this afternoon and covered them with green grass clippings.  I wonder how they will do.  I tried growing potatoes in a bucket last year, but had pretty poor results...and I was very attentive to them

Wonder of wonders!  There are real blossoms on the tomatoes and some coming on the pepper plant.  It is so late.  I won't have enough to can so I will have to hit the Farmer's Market.  At least I should get some for the table.

The Pear tree has a few pears on it, but they look small.  We had some late frost so there are only a few pears on one side.  The Plum tree is crazy, dropping half ripe plums on the ground every time the wind blows.  The ground is covered with half ripe plums covered with ants and flies.  Makes me mad that all that fruit is going to waste.

I finished reading the book I mentioned  yesterday.  It made me cry toward the end.  I definitely cleared out my tear ducts and sinuses.  It was a most improbable story, but a good tale in all.  Since I stayed up until 4 Am to finish the book, worked a little and now have a full tummy, I guess I will take my self off to bed.  No books tonight, good or otherwise.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel!!

Its a beautiful day here in Illinois but is promising to heat up again before too long. I have a busy day scheduled with appointments and will be on the go most of the day. Sure glad I got the mowing done when I did.

I did as you had suggested and took a good look at my stats and I now have a pretty good idea who has been in the blog and may have made a couple of posts yesterday. But in the long run I do not care and am not worried about it.

hope you have a good day!
Love, Alice