Friday, July 1, 2011


I have stayed inside this day, for the most part.  Other than taking my check to the bank and then going to pay my insurance, I have stayed close to the A/C.  My check went to the bank and then into the account of Big Insurance Business...nearly $500.00.  I won't be going out to eat anytime soon.

I cooked a really good supper.  I had new potatoes fresh from "home grown" dirt.  You can really taste the difference.  No chemicals and they haven't been bagged up and sitting in a warehouse somewhere, for who knows how long.   Commercial potatoes are treated so they will not sprout while in storage and keep longer. (Yum, yum, nice delicious, chewy chemicals.)  Also, for my supper, nice carrots(didn't grow them) and a nice sized steak. So you see, 'though I ain't got no money...I won't starve.

The onions that I planted...put into the ground...have been tampered with.  Either a cat, a Grackle or a squirrel, has pulled them up.  I doubt that they will live.  A Crackle will pull an entire tomato plant right out of the ground. Then there are the wild "wabbits" that live under the shed.  Could it be that anyone or all of these pesty critters don't like the taste of onions?

Yesterday I had a severe cramp in my right hand...claw like, and later a nerve jumping in my forearm, just below where I have all those pins, plates and screws.  As I never had such a cramp in that arm before I have chalked it up to dehydration, esp. since I felt slightly sickish and did today, also.  I got up in the night and drank a glass of water with salt in it.  So...I put off working in the heat today.

I didn't sleep well last night so I took a nap this afternoon and slept a couple hours. Now I feel good, esp. after that good supper.  You know tatters are really good for you because they have all that natural potassium within...and a little salt and butter on them makes them even "gooder!" 

I spent a little time cleaning the kitchen some more before my next round of canning.  I sure can make a mess.  Now I am good to go for the next round of "stocking up" of whatever that may be.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel!!

I had planned on staying in a lot today too, but for some odd reason Frank wants me to go to Decatur with him to radio shack. At first I was not going to go but in all truth, I could use a break for a while and get out of here. I will not be home much at all tomorrow as I am taking pictures for the city's 4th of July Celebration, if it is not raining. I hope it is not as hot as they are calling for today. Yesterday our heat indexes got to 109 and today they expect worse.

I won't go out tomorrow if it is that hot and humid I simply can not take the heat and humidity. It tears my fibromyalgia up something bad.

Hope you have a good day and do not over do it in this heat.

Love, Alice