Tuesday, March 6, 2012


What if....
What if you were hungry;
What if you had a hungry child;
A hungry parent or relative?

What if someone had a gun
in one hand,
 a loaf of bread in another,
the gun at your head,
and the offered bread
held forth to you...
if you would renounce
your faith-religion-trust in
Jesus Christ and redeemer?

Would your chose the loaf
in the hand of a tyrant
or would you chose the

Would you be like Peter
and deny Christ Jesus
three times
and then shed tears
of regret or shame?

Would you chose
to carry your cross
and drag yourself
up the hill of Calvary,
shedding your sweat, blood
and flesh along the way?

What would you do?
What would you chose
 a loaf of bread
or eternal salvation?

None of us really know because we have seldom been tried or put into such a sorrowful condition, at least not in this country so far.  Could we, a great nation, ever come to such a miserable state?  The answer is yes.  We are no longer a First World Country.  We are a second world state and falling.  We have a failed government that is in rapid decline, even if you can not see it or admit that it occurring.


This eve. I cooked three steaks with a big, fat onion and rice.  It turned out well and I was tempted to eat another steak, but refrained myself.  Ha!  It wouldn't be good for my diet!  Now I have a craving for some dark chocolate.  Fortunately for my waistline...I don't have any in the house!

I did get out and pick up wind blown twigs and papers from the yard.  The grass is growing way too fast!  Tomorrow I will try to get a little more done in the way of yard work.  The ground is very soft and  and there is more rain-lots of it-on the way. And that is where the day went, but it certainly was a glorious day.


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