Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dr. Dr. You don't know...

Again I am posting a short missive.  I spent most of the day "out."  I was at the outpatient clinic for several hours.  Then to the hopital for x-rays.  Then back to the outpatient clinic for the Dr. to do nothng.  What does he know.  He told me to stay off my feet for 6 to 8 weeks.  Right.  Like that's gonna happen.  I don't  suppose he is going to come cook for me, wash my cloths, go shopping for me and  do all that needs to be done.

After I got home I went to bed.  I really had to.  Sleep is my best medicine, esp. when the Dr. give me nothing for the pain.  So, I will be "in" for six to eight weeks.  No, I  Won't.  I will keep sliding and rolling along with my office chair.  It has wheels!  Yea for wheels!

This a very non-informative blog.  Maybe in a day or so I will do better.

Hebrews 6: 15 

I too, shall endure.  Sometimes we have very little choice and must accept whatever comes our way.  I accept it. That doesn't mean I am going to like it.

I am going back to bed because it is the best place for me.


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