Saturday, August 11, 2012



I am so pleased that so many of my Russian friends read my poor blog.  I also enjoy all the visitors from so many other far places around the globe.  I hope all of you find something of small value in this little blog.

I am back to the subject of stocking up.  I encourage all that can, to put food back/store, for a rainy day.  We had a dry winter here and then this dry summer.  The corn crop has been "devastated." and food prices are rising fast.  Do what you can to prepare for what may be hard...or harder times.

For anyone who is not experienced in stocking up or putting food aside, go for canned goods, dry staples and be sure that you have or will get salt.  You do need salt in spite of all that you have been taught.  If you get dry goods such as pastas, dry beans or rice, be certain that the goods are well wrapped and sealed in order to keep all the little gremlins out of your food. These are just the basic rules if you are stocking up.  Be self sufficient for when everything or anything fails or goes wrong.

I did buy extra coffee and I intend to get extra tea bags.  While I have loose tea, tea bags are nice.  And I have extra water on hand, also.  Do you know what I don't have and should stock up on?  TP-toilet paper.  Who wants to run out of that!

There is much you can  do and set aside for rainy days, just as our grandparents and even our parents did.  Stocking up should not be an alian concept to us.  We are so used to having a gas station on every corner and a grocery store down the street; we are so spoiled, but things change and change is coming along at a faster clip.

OK.  This turned out to be a beautiful day.  The temperature was in the 80's with low humidity and a nice breeze flowing.  I got out and did some mowing and cleaned off some of the fence line.  The Morning Glories take over the whole fence and cause rust and a nice place for mosquitoes to bred and hid.  Yes, they got me.  There is a lot of chain link fence to clean off so I still have a lot to do.  I just couldn't let this day pass without putting in some good work time.  A few more days like this one, please.



Sirach 29: vs. 21

It's interesting that what is taught in Psychology 101 these days, was well known in the days of the prophets.  Intrinsically we all know this and don't need to be told(I hope).  Even a new, tiny baby knows that it is hungry, cold or needs to be warmly coddled.  They let you know it, too.  However, there are so many in this world that don't have food, water, shelter or clothing.  I am not a rich person, but in this country I am wealthy in comparison to those that live in desperate times under disparate conditions.  And I know it.  My peers might consider me poor or near poor, but I feel enriched by the many blessing that I enjoy.  If I am financially low on the scales of income or the Totem's OK.  I have what I need and more.  I am blessed.  I hope all my readers, family and friends...are blessed as well. 


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