Saturday, May 30, 2009

Body Weight

Some body weight is good. Today I put mine to good use. I pulled out the lawn mower and tied a string around the control bar and grabbed the starter rope with my bad arm. Instead of trying to pull the starter rope I held on fast and turned and threw my body weight into the needed tug. And that worked. I had tried to start the mower before , but couldn't do it. I just hurt my arm instead. Not to say my arm isn't hurting today because it is stiffening up even now, but I got the back yard mowed. Not as neat as a pin, but better. I don't believe I can get the trimmer started so it remains slightly raggedy along the edges. I didn't try to do the front yard. I will try that another day.

Working hard in the yard caused me to sweat a lot and maybe shed a couple pounds. However, it also increased my appetite. When I came in I made two tuna sandwiches and inhaled both of them. I guess all my pores are flushed out and my sinuses, too.

Because my arm is stiffening quickly I wanted to get this post written. I have another kettle of mixed greens to package into small freezer bags. That should give me six in the freezer. I did run out to the Dollar Store and buy some more along with a few other items. No candy or cookies...I looked the other way and got just what I intended to buy.

I let all the chickens out last eve. and let them roam the yard. The mosquitoes are out now and I was hoping they would dispose of a few. When it got dark they went "home" like good little chickens.

No Post on Sunday......End

Friday, May 29, 2009

Movie and eve. out

I went to the movies yesterday afternoon. I read the book and now have seen the movie of Angles and Demons. Both were good. The movie follows the book pretty well without deviating very much from the story. And the POPE said I could go see the there! After the move I had supper at the Chinese Buffet and the Pope wasn't invited..nope. I ate well, but not as well as some that I saw filling their plates to over flowing and going back for more. There is overweight..there is fat..and there is trailer wide. I am overweight and admit it. And the government is worried about the methane expelled from cows! HA!

Did you know that methane gas can be captured and burned like gas? Some farmers do it and years ago Mother Earth News ran an article on "how to" for urban dwellers to capture and burn the gases to light your own personal yard/street lamps.

This afternoon a photographer from the local paper came to take pictures of those criminal chickens that the city is prosecuting. Bad chickens...baaad chickens!! They will run a story in the paper in favor of chickens...I hope. They copied an article that my big sister sent from the University of Virginia pertaining to urban/city chickens. I also got some articles from the library and had them copied off from City and Backyard I'm not going down without a cluck..squawk..or what ever.

I found out that chickens absolutely love melon rinds and the seeds and will scarf them down like they were starving...which the aren't. I believe I will let them out into the yard in the eve. to have at it. If I wait until about 7 PM they will be ready to go back into the coop as the light fails.

I took more stuff to the Salvation Army. All the stuff that was out in the rain yesterday was still out there this afternoon and the bins were still stuffed full. A little mis-management going on there, says I. I know that if you buy anything within the store it is overpriced. From now on I will take my donations elsewhere. At the Goodwill Store you ring the back door bell and they come and take it and help you unload, if necessary. Then again, there are those that leave their "donations" at the back door and take off leaving their trash/donation for someone else to haul off.

The "neighbor" came and finally mowed the their yard. However, the trash pile remains and has just about ruined my chain link fence, bowing it inward substantually. They don't live there, but try to rent it out. No one wants to live there, thus far. I had heard that when they lived in the trailer court around the corner they had to go in with a big truck and clean out the trash.

Thus goes the world and thus the End of this post.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am going to Evansville soon so I will write this while my hair air dries. I really don't like a blower as it makes my hair messy and dry.

I cleaned my mixed greens in three rinses and put them in a kettle/pot with about one cup of water to par-boil. I also threw in one hot radish for the heck of it. You really don't need to par-boil very long, just a couple of minutes will do for greens. I tasted the greens and they are good. I guess I have enough for three or four freezer bags to put in the freezer. The par-boiling takes the "heat" out of the radishes, too. They stay crisp if you don't over boil them. I have the summer to pick and freeze greens.

Because I will be gone most of the afternoon and eve. I don't know how the chickens will fare. I gave them a good feeding this morning. They are confined (except 2) and are not out to forage in the yard.

While I was sorting stuff out I accidentally tossed out a cookie recipe that I wanted to keep. I knew I would toss somethingby mistake. Darn!

Big Brother has been transferred to a rehab center where they will make him do what he must and get up and about. He took a shower yesterday with an assistant. Knowing Harry He may have enjoyed that esp. if she was young and pretty.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where'd it go?

I stayed up until after midnight trying to retrieve yesterdays post. I can find it to edit it, but it will not send. I finally gave up on it.

I took a small box to the Goodwill Store. As I was getting out of the van I heard a loud noise and a vehicle coming to a sudden stop. As I turned to see if there was a wreak I saw this mother slide the side door open, yank her child out, and proceed with some discipline. I don't know what the little one did, but I'll bet she didn't do it again.

By the drop off door there was a couch that was so awful that only rats and vermin could love it; stained and filthy beyond hope. The lady who took my stuff in said it was going to the dump and that it had been "dumped" of for them to haul off. If they got it to the drop off door they could have taken it to the landfill, me thinks.

The Raiders of the Free Feathers were incarcerated last night. As soon as they went to their roost...bang..the inner door was closed and they didn't get out 'til this AM. I found that if they are closed in at night it is much easier for me to get into the run and close the outer door and do my feeding and stuff. They were not at all happy and jumping against the door window trying to make a bid for freedom.

I picked a big back of mixed greens to par boil and put into the freezer. It takes a lot of greens to make a full freezer bag. After the heat hit them the greens will wilt down alot. Now call me crazy, but I like to take the liquid, put a little salt and pepper in it and drink it. The liquid is also good in soups.

The radishes are getting a bit big and hot to the tongue. Today I discovered that if I cut them up into slices and fry them to a light brown they are crunchy and the bite is gone. I put some in with my pork chop and cooked them in the juices. Mmm, good.

I got my egg steamer in the mail today and need to try it out. I hope it works as well as the commercials say it will.

I don't know how Big Brother is doing as I haven't heard anything in about two days. I tried to call, but no one answered the phone. I guess my sister-in-law was either in church or at the hospital.

I need to take more trash out for pick-up in the morning. I cont. to get rid of stuff, a little at a time.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My post for today did not go through dispite many attemps.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Know nothing

Yes, I let the chickens out this morning. Yes, It started raining. Yes, I got soaked. No, I didn't get them all back in. There are still about eight still running around the yard. So be it. There is an old adage that the "chickens will come home to roost." If true then I can get them in tonight.

I had some radishes from the garden. The Ice cycle radish was HOT! I did plant another potato in a big container, as I mentioned I would. I may plant a couple more if I can find more big contains. Some old onions that I tossed out are making little onion sets so I may transplant those, too I haven't gone shopping for food this week as I am pulling stuff from the garden and have meat in the freezer to use up.

Big brother has been up walking with a walker. I didn't tell anyone how serious a surgery he was having at his age. I tried to keep a positive and encouraging note in my conversations with his wife.

I continue to sort, discard and box items for the Salvation Army. I have a huge amt. of plastic bags they will get, too. I gave away a box of books and hope to get some more given way. I am still trying to simplify and dispose of years of accumulation.

I continue to try to upload some picture, but I guess I have to buy a program in order to do it. There is lots of things I don't know even though I got my first computer in 1982. I am open to hints and tutoring, if anyone wants to"help."

I turned on the AC because the humidity is so high. Just to get some of the moisture out of the air/house.

I guess I go before the city council next Monday. I keep hoping to find more information on line that I can use pertaining to city chickens.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I've been out in the garden picking salad greens, lettuce, spinach, small Swiss Chard, mustard greens and even radish tops. I brought the greens in and run them through my handy, dandy salad spinner. I like that little gizmo as it is hand powered, cleans up easily and does a good job. I guess most gardeners have one, but even if your not into all things organic and buy your salad in a plastic bag that was shipped in from who can guess where, the are a neat hand appliance to have around. I also have one of those Vidalia Food Choppers. They are OK, but a bit harder to clean. They make good salads easier to prepare, too. A hard lesson learned is that they don't make very good meat choppers and take forever to clean as meat will will stick in every little cutting square.

There is always "one" who thinks he is bigger, smarter, faster and more daring than the other Hen House Critters. And that "one" is the big, red rooster that can skitter out the door faster than little greased piggies. Yes, the same one that decided my knee would be a good place to perch. Of course, he got out out again this morning. Well, I'm not chasing anymore. I waited until he decided he wanted back in; after all that is where the feed, water, and his cronies were hanging out and having a dust bath. When he got hot, thirsty and tired, he started to strut his stuff in front of the door. I opened the door and shooed him back in.

The beautiful weather will turn into a more seasonal climate in the next few days, hot, rainy and humid. I hope to plant some more radish seeds in the shade today. The very few that came up are hot. If I can get them in today it should rain tonight. My bucket potatoes are blooming. I will be eager to see how they produce. If they do well I will plant all summer.

Big Brother continues to recover. They get him up in a chair and he now is feeding himself. He does need a back brace at this time. His B/P is still fluctuating, but his heart is stable. He remains in a Neuro Critical Care Unit.

That's all for this day unless Obama resigns to become a preacher for the NWO.(isn't that what he is doing anyway...LOLS)


Friday, May 22, 2009

No Buts

It's cloudy today, but that's OK because it is also warm out and the clouds cut the sunshine enough to make it comfortable.

I have been washing cloths, folding cloths and doing all things laundry-like. I put a teaspoon of baking soda in the washing machine to help soften the water. I don't use all the bleach recommended on the bleach bottle, either. I use about a 1/3 cup of bleach to a load and that seems to be enough to get the job done.

Sears told me the knob for my washer would be in "in about 5 or 6 days" and that was almost two weeks ago. What ever happened to good service?

I have been looking for my sun tea jar. I think it may be in the back room..or maybe I gave that to the Salvation Army, too. My coffee maker died and went to Java Land, but I have another. I can't complain because I got that coffee maker at the Goodwill Store about two years ago and only paid $1.50 for it. But(never start a sentence with a "but" or an "and")...but I liked it; no buts about it.

I am starting to use lettuce from the garden. I was picking some yesterday when I felt something pick at the lettuce I was holding in my other hand. It was one of the chickens following me down the row trying to steal my lettuce. Yes, I let them out again yesterday. Had a time getting them back in. Today they are feeling the heat and they were breathing through their open becks. I came out with fresh water for them and they were all over me, trying to get to it. It was a lot cooler than what they had.

Big brother had his surgery and is recuperating. He did have some problems while on the table. His B/P dropped out, but is now improving. Hope he continues to get better. He is 77 years old and it was a pretty serious spinal surgery. It is odd to think of Harry getting old because he was always strong and healthy.

I have one last piece of cake left. I'm gonna go eat it. Then it is diet time.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just blogging

The no. 1 reason I have not indulged in a survivalist mode of blogging is because a lot of the "Survival" blogs are robbing and borrowing and generally plagiarizing other blog sites You could wallpaper NY City with information and disinformation. A lot of blogs are helping out the economy by telling readers to "buy this, buy that" or you must spend umpteen fortunes to be safe. If what the survivalist predict becomes even a half-way event no one would be really safe in a world of chaos. So I generally refrain from the doomsday scenario. All predictions could happen, might happen, but may not ever occur. I think I would worry more about weather-related catastrophes and pandemic/epidemics. These are the things that I do prepare for.

I do have a small food supply, emergency light sources such as candles and lamps and several radios. I need to do a little more, but all preparedness has a certain monetary outlay. Not everyone can afforded to spend as much as some bloggers recommend. And did you know that "hoarding" is a crime? It was wartime legislation that has never been repealed as far as I know.

Things to have if you can afford to.
1. Food for several days
2. water for several days
3. a weather radio/radio
4. lamps or candles and a way to light them
5. Clothing for warm/cold weather
6. first aid kit and ability to use it.
7. emergency money and change
8. a map and options for relocating.
9. cell phone or prepaid phone.
Retired and disabled persons can get a
free phone with 60 free minutes from
10. good old common sense and logic, a can opener and a lighter.

These are just basic items if the weather kicks up or the economy becomes more sluggish or even fails. Anyone can take a basic outline and add to it, alter it to their own personal/medical needs.

I have kept what I call a "go bag" in my car since 1976 after a blizzard came roaring across the plains bringing the Ohio Valley to its knees. I was not able to leave my work place for two weeks and my car was literally buried by the snow plow that finally got through. The highways were closed to all traffic other than emergency vehicles and even they had a tough "go." Now these prepared bags are called GOTB.(Get out of town bags) or BUG OUT BAGS and are very popular in the vernacular of the the survivalist, loaded with all things needed for THE END TIMES.

Spend what you will, but have what you need, not what you want...unless you have deep pockets. Our forefathers crossed the continent with very little, yet survived. You can, too, without becoming a para-militant, green cameo kind of guy or girl.

I am open to all comments, good bad or hostile. I believe in your right to free speech.

When I was watching the chickens from a lawn chair under the Pear Tree a goofy rooster decided to jump up and perch on my knee, just to look me over, up close and personal. Since I didn't want little presents(poo) dropping on my knee I shooed him off.

I am very tired today and here is why. At 3 AM the phone rang and thinking it might be about Big Brother's surgery I tried to get to the phone before the answering machine kicked in. It was some stupid automated call about security sales or something. After that I couldn't get back to sleep, finally gave up and got up.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Yup, I have been sneezing for the past 2 days and have some nasal drip. Probably Hay Fever as everyone seems to have the same symptoms. As long as it doesn't become Piggy Flu I am content to just have a runny nose.

I went and got a hair cut today. Like every thing else the price went up. Gas was $2.22 yesterday and it went up over night to $2.39. The Memorial Day week-end always contributes to the increased cost of gas. All and any holiday, weather fluctuation, or political unrest somewhere other than here, spurs the petroleum companies to jack up their prices. Big profits..yum, yum!

It is just about 6 PM and have not heard a word about Harry's surgery. I guess I will have to make the call and see if there is any news yet.

No chickens in the yard today. They are confined to quarters.

Not much going on other than washing a few cloths and sewing a button back on my blouse. I need new blouses, but everything is designed for the teenager with a belly buttom.

I should have gone to the store and bought some TP, but didn't. Need some tissues for my sinuses, too.

Might post again later..might not.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Late, but present

Well, I am late today. I got up early and fed the chickens and of course one zipped by my feet before I could stop it. I tried for a while the get her back in, but Plucky Clucky was adamant about staying out. I finally gave up and went about my business. Plucky Clucky will be ready to return to the flock on her terms, not mine.

I went to see Star Trek, the movie this afternoon. It is a pretty good movie. Go see it. I have always been a Star Trek fan. I went knowing the Plucky Clucky was still out and was fair game for a bushy tailed, slinky predator cat. I can't spend hours and hours chasing flying feathers trying to save Plucky from a fate worse than the dinner plate.

Just as I got home the little guy from across the alley came running up to tell me the chickens were out. However, it was the one escapee and she was happy to get back into the run. After all, she didn't have water most of the day and she wanted to get back in with the other bad Chickies. I had the feed and in she flew, happy to be with the gang.

Now, the little guy from across the alley comes up with some tall tales. He told me he works for the government and they pay him .50 cents an our. He said he had a GPS on everybody, including me. He said the lady that walks her dog up the alley told him that I worked for the government, too. He has quiet an imagination. Right about then the mosquitoes started coming out in dive bomber squadron forces. When the vampire bugs come out, I come in.

I also went to the Red Lobster for lunch. It is one of my favorite places to eat. I have not been there for several months so I enjoyed the day. It was yummy.

Go see a movie..go out to only go 'round once.

P.S. Big brother has serious spinal surgery in the morning of Wednesday.


Monday, May 18, 2009


I let the chickens out to forage in the yard. They found a hole in the fence and did what chickens do: sought their fortunes in the "new world." It took me about 6 hours to get them back in. As I was herding the last of the lost into the run a city car came down the alley and slowed down than came to a full stop by the yard next door. I am supposed to have until the hearing in June before knelling before the alter of city commissioners.

James Reed finished cleaning up his yard. The renters have tossed all kinds of junk into a corner of his yard. An 80 year old man with a bad heart shouldn't have to clean up someone elses' trash.

These past two days have been very nice, but cool. Cool weather in mid-May is not that common in Western Ky. so I am enjoying it while it last.

Big brother will have spinal surgery on Wed. The surgery is supposed to last about 6 hours. I hope it turns out well as he is in a lot of pain.

I have not gotten much done this day unless you count chicken chasing. I have a lawn chair under the Pear tree. As soon as I would get up from the chair the chickens got in. It was so funny to see several chickens occupying a lawn chair.

I can not let the chickens out again. It is too time consuming to round them up and corral them again. I would let them be except for the stray cats that roam the neighborhood. One is so thin that it could do some serious snaking through some small spaces.

I cleaned out the smoker yesterday. If the pretty days hold I will smoke some pork chops-no chicken. I gave all my left over to the aviators so now I have to start over and find something to eat. It was an act of enticement, but it didn't work well on the little beasties. It just emptied out the larder/fridge.


Saturday, May 16, 2009


I didn't get much done yesterday other than running around town having chicken snit fits. I haven't accomplished much today, either. Well, I wanted to get online before the next thunder bumper comes roaring through. The chickens wanted to get out and forage in the yard, but after getting drenched twice yesterday I decided they would have to be content with feed and water.

I have been making a big pitcher of iced tea. My niece was telling me how she bought green tea to help her diet. It never made me skinny. If she wants to lose weight she should get out and chase a few ornery feathered fiends.

My brother in Texas called last night to tell me how to process woodchuck skin to send to him. He told me to fry the tail and it would taste just like chicken. I don't think so, big brother, I don't think so. I will send HIM the tail. Big brother likes the SurvivorLady's blog. He thought it was mine. It is not. I read hers, but most of what she writes about is from online research. Research is good, but no substitute for experience. I have no quarrel with her blogs because any knowledge is better than no knowledge and she making an effort to share.

I have been trying to set up my "all in one printer." I think it was fried by one of our famous Ben Franklin storms. I have lost several printers this way even with surge protectors and no one wants to repair them. I wish I knew how.

I went out and took several pictures with my cheap throw away camera. I don't know how they will turn out. I have two old scanners that would probably scan the prints into the documents file and I could upload them from there...I think.

My one neighbor mowed his yard yesterday. As he rents the house out the renter really should have done the mowing. I think Mr. reed intended to cut the lawn, but he is 80 years old. The renter has two mowers on his porch. They will never wear out from over use.

The other neighbor to the left has not mowed or removed the trash heap. How they get by with this and I get a letter form the city about chickens is beyond me.

I would like to get in touch with the local Tea Party members. I'll bet they would help me fight city hall. Or display a show of force in numbers...maybe.

I need to get some things done so I will stop here.


Friday, May 15, 2009


I am really angry. The city of Henderson which is located in the heart of an agricultural county says I can't have chickens and that I most tear down my chicken coop. It OK for a horse farm over on Clay Street to have several horses in town because they are zoned "agricultural" even though the area is surrounded by residential homes and even a few business. It is OK for a Rottweiler to run loose and tear up a little dog because "dogs are not regulated" by the city. There are two large dogs that run loose in their yard and not on chains, frequently getting out of their yards. The little guy across the alley is afraid of them. The dogs smell up the whole area with doggy poo and did long before I got chickens, but that is OK.

I take care of my chickens. They are well fed and cared for. I clean their run and coop so they won't smell. They are not out running loose in the neighborhood killing other dogs or attacking people. When was the last time a chicken went after a human with beck and feathers. Damn, I am ticked off.

I got the letter of violation at noon today. I called and complained and said I wanted to file a protest. They said that I only had until Monday afternoon to do so...very little time, indeed. I drove over and filed my protest and there will be a hearing on June 7th. This is a new code only passed in 2007. Did they announce it from the roof tops? I don't know.

I thought I was going to have fresh organic eggs. Organic eggs in the store are nearly $4.00 a dozen. I have put a lot to time and effort into my chickens and chicken condo, as well as money. I don't have lots of money to tear down the chicken coop. What shall I do with the chickens, strangle them? They are pets, darn it!

Its all about money. If the city can't see money in something, a permit fee, a variance fee or added tax to your property, they will find a way to get into the pocket of a citizen, one way or another

I can see where all the Survivalist are hyped up about losing basic freedoms. We have already lost. I will go to the hearing and protest, but I don't know how to fight the city elite. I am poor, ageing and on a fixed income. Any suggestions, anyone?

I did let the chickens out in the yard for an hour. Another storm came up and they panicked. Guess who got doused trying to get the back in? They actually wanted to get back in, but didn't know which way to run. Hey, what about the feral cats that are lurking about. Why doesn't the city do something about them? Can't catch a cat and make it pay taxes.

This has been my best effort of a rant. Do I rant well? By the way, I can't really recommend Woodchuck on your dinner plate unless you want to call it "survival food."


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sorting..sort of

I am posting while I can. The Internet has been very quirky today due to the storms that have been rolling in and out. Besides Fast Access isn't always that fast.

I have taken a big bag of stuff to the Salvation Army: drapes, curtains, mattress pads and a few odds and ends. I am still sorting out and trying to simplify. More junk..stuff to go.

I tried to take a few pictures today in between rain. When the sun is out I can not see the little screen unless I try to shade it. That's why my shots are far less than perfect.

While the chickens are finicky and will not eat innards, they will eat cooked carcasses. I took them the rib cage and the back. They went right to town on the cooked parts. It was one old Woodchuck and so fat I could hardly handle it.I tried to cut off the best meat, but my hand and the knife kept slipping so the chickens got a fair amount of protein.

My weather arm says more bad weather is coming. That means I will sort more stuff out in the house, which is OK by me. I have found all kinds of things that I had forgotten about, including some really good, new material. I have several blouses that I can't get into anymore. Too much cake and cookies.

I have a box full of chargers from various electronics I have had over the years. One box has several remote controls in it. All will find their way to the Salvation Army in a few days.

I noticed that a number of habitat houses are now empty. People on marginal incomes have really felt hardship in this economy. Several local Chrysler dealerships are closing. A lot more people are going to be out of work. Six dealer will close in Evansville, right across the river. Who says the recession is getting better?

I guess I better get back to sorting and boxing things to go and post this before the Internet becomes erratic again.


P.S. The vampire chickens have spent the day devouring all that Woodchuck carcass, never touching their feed.

Thsi will be the third time I have tried to post this. END!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Once upon a time there was a groundhog/woodchuck living under my house. He chose the wrong place and time to investigate the trap box. He is no more. He is now in my pressure cooker. Yes, I am cooking that poor unfortunate garden raider. When I came home from shopping Chuck had already dispatched him and had him skinned out. It took me about an hour to eviscerate Woody. He was so fat and the liver was almost as big as my hand. Now Harry will get his fur for fly tying.

A Woodchuck is a very clean animal and I don't know why more people don't go after them as a meat producing animal. Most of the meat is on the shoulders, forelegs and back legs. They cook up like chicken or rabbit. I tried to entice the chickens with the entrails, but they wanted nothing to do with the leavings. They even tried to scratch dirt over the stuff. Smart little chickens.

I did go out to the store this afternoon. I got bread, hamburger rolls, 3 dozen eggs, and found bacon on sale for $1.39. I guess piggies were not selling well for the past few weeks. The bacon was the only item that didn't cost .79 cents. Also, canned fruit was on sale for .79 cents a can. I got what I could carry. Some thing things are still in the van and I will bring those items in on the marrow.

I brought a jug of home made wine out of the back room and tasted it last night. I can not tell the potency. It was a bit sweet, but has a nice flavor and warm in the tummy. It is from the grapes in the backyard picked from last year. It has been mellowing out since last fall. Now it needs to be strained and bottled. I am hoping to make a batch of pear and plumb wine. The winds came up last night and blew a lot of plums right of the tree.

Chuck took my lawnmower home to work on it. It just stopped in the middle of mowing. He stays busy all the time, I guess. He even fed the chickens while I was out. I think the chickens eat too much. I think I have another rooster coming along. This bird has a flat crown and is starting to grow wattles. The hens are starting to cluck. They keep me busy.

Gas is now $2.22 if you pump it yourself. The other day it was $2.25. I think the high prices and manipulation of the gas supply was the start of the recession. My Ford stock just tumbled again after a short rise. This was to be my cushion for my old age. Ha! Well, so much for that. I'll just have to avoid getting any older.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chickens and such

Chickens are funny creatures, are they not? You think they are stupid, but they surprise you. Just because they have tiny brains and beady little eyes don't ever miscalculate their ability to out scramble you and get out. They are not solitary and if they do get out they want to get right back in again because that is where the flock is. A flock that aggravates you together stays together... mostly. I have to figure how to outsmart them so I can get in the door to feed them. The stray cat awaits and a chicken hawk is gracefully winging overhead...both biding their time. Who will win, the cat, the hawk, the chickens or me? Time will tell.

I did get to the dentist and now my teeth are all shiny and new looking, but old. As long as they work, grind and tear, right? They say tea will stain your teeth worse than coffee will. I am not giving up tea.

Two nice days in a row. However, rain is coming. I meant to go to the store after my dental appointment. I came home and took a nap instead. Now I will have to go the rain. Eggs and bread are on sale for $00.79 cents apiece. As I do not have productive little dinosaurs yet I will buy them. I will get several dozen and pickle some.

There isn't much going on; nothing to write about unless I mention that yesterday when I went to Sears I left the keys in the car and the motor running. I have never in my life done that before. I was concentrating on getting in and out. The van runs so quietly that I didn't even notice. Even when I came back out of the store you could barely hear it running. Good thing the parking lot was half empty or I might not have had a way home. And that is that.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Odds and fluff

This has been a runaround day. I went to the farm store, Sears and the grocery store. Food for the chickens, food for me and I ordered a timing knob for the washing machine. That small plastic knob cost $32. dollars. I need clean cloths and have been using my fingers to "dial" in the time/ gizmo.

My plumb tree is loaded. The pear tree is loaded. If we don't get high winds as we did last year it will be a bumper crop. Yum.

I bought another heritage tomatoes plant for my last Topsy Turvy planter. I also bought some started Sweet Potato slips. I have to wait for Chuck to come and put them in the ground. Soon my yard will be all garden and chickens!

I didn't make cookies. I baked a chocolate cake instead. It was very high in the middle and thin along the edges. I frosted it any way and tasted it. Then I tasted it again..and again. Tasted pretty good.

When I was at Sears I saw their HD Televisions on display. If I didn't have a good TV already I would definitely buy one. The pictures are outstanding.

Tuesday is Dentist day. I had to cancel two appointments; one after I fell and the other when I couldn't drive. Now it is time to go, esp. since I got a tooth ache after eating all that cake last night.

I haven't had much time to fool with the camera and learn all its capabilities. I have a "throw away" camera I may start using.

I had some trouble getting on line last night. I don't know if it was my computer or if it was just me. It is doing OK today. I un-subscribed the Cheap/FreeCycle. I kept plain FreeCycle. It frees up some of my e-mail space.

My arm is still a bit stiff, but better. I did take a pain pill the other night and slept well. Last night I was bad..very bad. I stayed up until 3 AM watching "Out Of The Wild" on the Discovery Channel. Tonight I will go to bed....after I eat cake.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cleaning 'n stuff

In my attempts to reorganize and simplify I found a package of 7 pair of new white socks, a package of new white underwear, new pajamas and a new pullover sleeveless turtle neck shell, never worn. I forgot that I had them There are some things that I don't remember in that week before surgery. I am glad to have rediscovered these items. I can use them.

I went to subway for a sandwich. No wonder they can sell a foot long for 5 bucks. They are a bit skimpy on the meat, but still it was good.

I pulled a 40 lb. bag of potting soil out of the van and dragged it into the yard. I had to use my right hand/arm as much as I could, mostly steering the bag. I guess I will pay for it.

10 PM...continued from draft.

The Topsy Turvy planter now has a tomato in it. I didn't do it. When Chuck came to mow the yard he did it for me. Trying to haul that bag about was just too much and I guess I will take a pain pill before going to bed. It aggravates the snot out of me that I can not do many of the things I did six months ago.

I am trying to clean house. I can not move furniture, but need to clean behind some things. I will figure out a way, though.

I wash only small loads of cloths now. That works well. I have some in the dryer now even though it is late. My time is my own so I can stay up if I there.

Chuck checked the garden. Yup, it is still there. Some things will have to be replanted as some things came up in spots. Along with the constant heavy rains that we have these past few weeks I have been invaded by ants. This happens every year.

I took one camera shot of the garden. Don't know how to do a lot of stuff yet, but I am learning. My arm has really stiffened up and is painful this eve., so I will type no more.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Rain Forest

The sky turned black and the street lights came on at one thirty in the afternoon. I was by the chicken condo when a clap of thunder cracked. It made the chickens panic and jump. It made me jump, too. This is the first severe storm the chickens have experienced since being outside. I hope they can get used to it because we have a lot of bad storms in the summertime. The storms usually blow in from the west or southwest and continue on east. An eighteen wheeler went down the other street and blasted its air horn. That made the chickens panic, too.

You don't know the job you start until you are well into it. I spent some time in trying to put things in good order and a lot of time shredding old mail,paper and and documents. The chickens love shredded paper to scratch through.

I found that putting dry egg shells in a blender will grind them up into very small pieces. Then they can go into the waterers. They seem to like tea leave and coffee grounds in a little left-over grease. I don't have a lot of table scraps to toss out. Maybe I could be a dumpster diver. It would be just my luck to fall into a dumpster.

I am not sure when the hens will start laying eggs. I figure around October, but will have to wait and see.

Because this has been a quiet, rainy day and I have been inside most of the day, I have little to write about. I guess I need a guest Beverly. My sister Beverly is very knowledgeable in many, many ways and things.


Thursday, May 7, 2009


It has been a busy day. I have been trying to "hoe" out a closet and get rid of things. I should have hired a bulldozer. I have found stuff I didn't know I had and lots of junk, too. Lots of odds an' ends to take to the Salvation Army. I'm not done yet. Lots more to go through.

Went to the Pharmacy to get my eye drops. That was a shock. Almost $70.00 bucks for one ounce of eye drops. Last year my insurance paid most of it. This year I have a new insurance provider and I pay a lot more out of pocket.

Went to the farm store and got more bedding for the chickens. They are happy, scratching away in the the ground-up corn cobs. Let me tell you: they want to peck the hand that feeds them. I have put their feeder up on a coupe of bricks and did the same thing with one waterer. They get too much "crud" in the water and feed. I need to find a couple more bricks for the other waterer.

I stopped at the new Mexican restaurant and there was my eye Dr. and one of his secretaries. I figured my eye Dr. would be eating out in a more upscale kind of place like the Red Lobster or O'Charlies'. Well, I will say you do get your money's worth there. It is really more than you can eat. My Dr. needs to eat. He is a tall, skinny bean pole.

I didn't get my cookies baked last night. I had company. Then the lady who lost her dog last week came over and stayed, and stayed and talked and talked. I am glad that she has already gotten a new dog from the Human Society and is taking my advice of walking it on a shorter leash. When a dog is on a 20 ft. leash you can not really control the animal or keep it out of harms way.

I have 40 lbs. of potting soil in the back of my van which I can not carry. I did OK with the bedding as it weighs less and is dry. I just pulled it out with one hand and dragged into the condo. Then it was like a movie: Chickens trying to get out, under and past my feet: "Attack of the Killer Chicken Monsters." They really want to get out into the green grass, but my yard needs some more security. The one gate that Chuck made is way too heavy for me to manipulate as it is not on hinges. There needs t be some changes there.

I made my first Iced Tea of the season and am having my first glass now. Even though it rained and is supposed to rain again, the afternoon came off bright, warm and beautiful. Good Ice Tea weather.

I am getting nowhere fast in my quest for reorganization and "hoeing out" so I guess I will quit right here and start something else.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This day has been a total washout. Rain all day and lots of it. The weatherman didn't quite get it right.

The chicken condo is starting to smell a bit due to the rain and I can't really clean it in the mud. Chickens, being scratchers by nature, have churned up a lot of dirt and are laying in the mud instead of the bedding inside. I didn't get the paint slopped on either. The creatures were fed, watered and given green grass to play with and that was about it.

I did get up on a short step ladder(first step) and fixed a light that wasn't working. I need do do the same thing in the bathroom...maybe tomorrow. Even one step up scares me as my balance is slightly off now days.

I opened up my new camera box. The batteries need to be charged. I read some of the instructions, but haven't tried it out yet. As soon as the batteries are up I will attempt to take a few pictures.

I managed to watch the entire Glenn Beck show without falling asleep in the middle of it.

I didn't get my cookies baked, either. Maybe tonight.

You could take a mud bath in the garden, but everything is growing fairly well. Some of the beans didn't come up and have been replanted. I don't see any of the asparagus at all. The Rhubarb is doing OK, too. The Swiss Chard, which I like even better than Spinach, is thriving, as well. Food! I need to get a few more tomatoes and some sweet peppers. I don't think the garden will..can hold much more!

I also need to change the thread on the sewing machine and do some minor mending 'cause I don't want my undies to fall off. Nooooooo, not that!(won't happen 'cause I wear slacks). It is slightly harder for me to thread a needle now, but running the end of the tread though/over a little piece of bar soap stiffens the thread up and makes it easier to pass through the eye(of the needle). I think I may have already mentioned this, but I don't remember. Age, you know. Ha!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Wow, a day without rain. It is supposed to rain tonight, but I wont care. I'll be in bed.

I went to Wal-Mart today and bought a new camera. Now I have to figure out how to use it. I have a couple of good cameras that I bought 30 odd years ago when I took photography. I have wanted to get a digital camera for a while though and finally bought one. They were on sale so I splurged.

While I was there I got some groceries that I have been putting off. I ate my last egg the other day. Hurry up chickens , lay me some eggs(not for awhile).

When I got back Chuck was in the garden and he had the chickens "out" in a confined space. Now they will want out all the time. They are so spoiled.

If it doesn't rain I need to go to the farm store and get some more bedding. I wish I knew where I could get it for free 'cause it is getting expensive to keep them (chickens) happy. Also, I thought I would try to slop some paint on the Chicken Condo as it is recycled material. Don't know how well I will do with a left hand, but I am gonna try.

I have a craving for something good: just don't know what. Just finished making some tea to put in the fridge for iced tea. I think I need cookies! I might try to make some cookies tomorrow. For tonight I will settle for peanut butter and honey on bread.

I have the dryer going so this is a short one.



Monday, May 4, 2009


Funny what you think about when you go to bed at night, especially when you drink a cup of strong tea before hitting the pillow. I am a hard-core tea drinker, but trying to cut back. My Mother always said I would die in my tepee(ahem).

I got to thinking and wondering whatever happened to Mom's solid maple rolling pin after she passed away. I hope it is in the family somewhere. I know what happened to her wooden pig cutting board: someone left it in the kitchen sink in the dish water. Of course, that ruined it. Not that it matters after more than 25 years. I just was wondering... as my mental engine was revved up and the gears and wheels of my brain were grinding and spinning on high. Too much tea.

Speaking of cutting boards, I use those plastic inserts that come in bacon packages. They are washable and make good cutting boards and I don't have to buy any. I like bacon. Bacon doesn't set my mind to racing. It just taste good.

Big brother Harry called from Texas last night. He is is worried and anxious about his upcoming spinal surgery on May 20th. He will be 78 on his next birthday.

The little chickens found a big, fat earthworm and didn't know what to do with it. They inspected it, pecked at it and ran with it. I don't know what they outcome of worm chasing game was. I came back into the house.

I did go out on the porch and go through a bunch of odds 'n ends, separating screws from nails and putting them into empty peanut cans. I still didn't find my drill chuck, but I found some other items that I had forgotten about, including drill bits. They had become rusty so I tried to oil them up a little and salvage them. I have another box to go through so I may find the chuck yet. I really don't want to buy another because I should have 2 more...somewhere.

I fell asleep trying to watch the Glenn Beck show again. Chuck, the handyman, must have come while I was drifting and set out some tomatoes. I spotted them when I went out to feed the chickens. I think I will get some more. He only set out four plants.

Well, I think I will make a cup of tea, but not drink any after 9 PM. Then I should sleep!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I watched the Kentucky Derby on TV and was really surprised by the winner of the race. I shouldn't be because I don't know that much about horses. I just go by the name of the horse or how pretty it looks to me. Very analytic...scientific, yes? I didn't bet on the horses and its a good thing. I would be very poor ,very fast. However, (blank) did bet on the horses with some of that "found money" and she lost. Justice will out. It shows that she didn't need the money: She just wanted it.

I found this tip on the Internet this eve. If you save your empty tissue boxes you can reuse them to store your plastic bags in and pull them out one at a time. I have lots plastic bags all over and seems to be a clever way to organize them and store them out of the way. I' going to try it.

I got most of the back store room cleaned out, shoveling up the bedding from the Chiclets. I put most of it back into the new condo run and the dwellers therein, are having a good time scratching through it. It kills my arm to do it, but it was a "must."

I don't go back to the Surgeon until Oct. In the meantime there is a bony protrusion at the outside of the elbow It looks like it could poke through the skin, but I don't think it will. I think it will just bother me esp. if and when I bump it.

I was going to go shopping this afternoon, but wound up at Captain D's instead. From there I came back home because I had a headache. I forgot to take my B/P med. in the morning. I took it late, but my headache took some time to resolve. Maybe I will shop on Mon.

I am going to start experimenting with my post, so don't be surprised to see some oddities here and there.

Tomorrow, being Sunday, I will not post.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I wanted to get chickens last year, but didn't because of the Pit Bull that lived right next door. It would charge the fence trying to intimidate me and it did. I was afraid to go out into my own back yard. I felt like a prisoner in my own home and only went out after they went to work at noon and locked the dog in the house. It was never on a chain: it should have been. That dog is not there now. I haven't seen it in a few months. I guess when his girlfriend left him she took the dog and the car.

Last eve. my neighbor across the street was walking her small, mix-bred dog and a Pit bull shot out of the alley and attacked her dog. They had to put her little dog down. I swear that if it had happened anywhere near me I would have shot and killed that *%#@*&* animal. She came over tonight and is still crying and heartbroken. The so-called caretaker has hidden the dog..says he doesn't know where it is..he was just taking care of it for someone else. Yeah, right.

It could have attacked any of the little kids that roam up and down the street on foot or bicycle. Anyyone that has a Pit Bull will swear that it is not the dog, but how they are raised. This particular Pit Dog was trained to attack. When the so-called caretaker commanded the dog to drop Sparky and snapped his fingers, the animal immediately let the mangled dog go. Too late.. Way too late.

My neighborhood used to be a very quite area. The older people have died off or moved away. Now, the once calm streets here are crawling with druggies and undesirable two footed predators. That is why I keep a pistol. Yes, it is registered and I have a licence to carry. "Don't Tread on Me."

I got up early and went out to feed the chickens. They get wildly excited when they see me coming with the blue coffee can. They know just what is in the can and try to eat out of the can before I have a chance to pour the feed into their feeders. Bad little chickens. I keep telling them I am going to have them for supper. They just cock their heads and give the "chicken eye" which is to say, "Really?"

My sister has planted horseradish. I think I will try to find some roots to plant , also. I will check on Freecycle to see if anyone has some to give away. My Mother used to grind wild horseradish for my father. He liked spicy food occ. and loved Limburger cheese, as well.

It will rain most of the week according to the weather forecast. It is a lot cooler and a bit windy. My nose wants to run in this damp air. I must have kissed a pig.(not)