Monday, May 11, 2009

Odds and fluff

This has been a runaround day. I went to the farm store, Sears and the grocery store. Food for the chickens, food for me and I ordered a timing knob for the washing machine. That small plastic knob cost $32. dollars. I need clean cloths and have been using my fingers to "dial" in the time/ gizmo.

My plumb tree is loaded. The pear tree is loaded. If we don't get high winds as we did last year it will be a bumper crop. Yum.

I bought another heritage tomatoes plant for my last Topsy Turvy planter. I also bought some started Sweet Potato slips. I have to wait for Chuck to come and put them in the ground. Soon my yard will be all garden and chickens!

I didn't make cookies. I baked a chocolate cake instead. It was very high in the middle and thin along the edges. I frosted it any way and tasted it. Then I tasted it again..and again. Tasted pretty good.

When I was at Sears I saw their HD Televisions on display. If I didn't have a good TV already I would definitely buy one. The pictures are outstanding.

Tuesday is Dentist day. I had to cancel two appointments; one after I fell and the other when I couldn't drive. Now it is time to go, esp. since I got a tooth ache after eating all that cake last night.

I haven't had much time to fool with the camera and learn all its capabilities. I have a "throw away" camera I may start using.

I had some trouble getting on line last night. I don't know if it was my computer or if it was just me. It is doing OK today. I un-subscribed the Cheap/FreeCycle. I kept plain FreeCycle. It frees up some of my e-mail space.

My arm is still a bit stiff, but better. I did take a pain pill the other night and slept well. Last night I was bad..very bad. I stayed up until 3 AM watching "Out Of The Wild" on the Discovery Channel. Tonight I will go to bed....after I eat cake.


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