Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Yup, I have been sneezing for the past 2 days and have some nasal drip. Probably Hay Fever as everyone seems to have the same symptoms. As long as it doesn't become Piggy Flu I am content to just have a runny nose.

I went and got a hair cut today. Like every thing else the price went up. Gas was $2.22 yesterday and it went up over night to $2.39. The Memorial Day week-end always contributes to the increased cost of gas. All and any holiday, weather fluctuation, or political unrest somewhere other than here, spurs the petroleum companies to jack up their prices. Big profits..yum, yum!

It is just about 6 PM and have not heard a word about Harry's surgery. I guess I will have to make the call and see if there is any news yet.

No chickens in the yard today. They are confined to quarters.

Not much going on other than washing a few cloths and sewing a button back on my blouse. I need new blouses, but everything is designed for the teenager with a belly buttom.

I should have gone to the store and bought some TP, but didn't. Need some tissues for my sinuses, too.

Might post again later..might not.


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