Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Wow, a day without rain. It is supposed to rain tonight, but I wont care. I'll be in bed.

I went to Wal-Mart today and bought a new camera. Now I have to figure out how to use it. I have a couple of good cameras that I bought 30 odd years ago when I took photography. I have wanted to get a digital camera for a while though and finally bought one. They were on sale so I splurged.

While I was there I got some groceries that I have been putting off. I ate my last egg the other day. Hurry up chickens , lay me some eggs(not for awhile).

When I got back Chuck was in the garden and he had the chickens "out" in a confined space. Now they will want out all the time. They are so spoiled.

If it doesn't rain I need to go to the farm store and get some more bedding. I wish I knew where I could get it for free 'cause it is getting expensive to keep them (chickens) happy. Also, I thought I would try to slop some paint on the Chicken Condo as it is recycled material. Don't know how well I will do with a left hand, but I am gonna try.

I have a craving for something good: just don't know what. Just finished making some tea to put in the fridge for iced tea. I think I need cookies! I might try to make some cookies tomorrow. For tonight I will settle for peanut butter and honey on bread.

I have the dryer going so this is a short one.



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