Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where'd it go?

I stayed up until after midnight trying to retrieve yesterdays post. I can find it to edit it, but it will not send. I finally gave up on it.

I took a small box to the Goodwill Store. As I was getting out of the van I heard a loud noise and a vehicle coming to a sudden stop. As I turned to see if there was a wreak I saw this mother slide the side door open, yank her child out, and proceed with some discipline. I don't know what the little one did, but I'll bet she didn't do it again.

By the drop off door there was a couch that was so awful that only rats and vermin could love it; stained and filthy beyond hope. The lady who took my stuff in said it was going to the dump and that it had been "dumped" of for them to haul off. If they got it to the drop off door they could have taken it to the landfill, me thinks.

The Raiders of the Free Feathers were incarcerated last night. As soon as they went to their roost...bang..the inner door was closed and they didn't get out 'til this AM. I found that if they are closed in at night it is much easier for me to get into the run and close the outer door and do my feeding and stuff. They were not at all happy and jumping against the door window trying to make a bid for freedom.

I picked a big back of mixed greens to par boil and put into the freezer. It takes a lot of greens to make a full freezer bag. After the heat hit them the greens will wilt down alot. Now call me crazy, but I like to take the liquid, put a little salt and pepper in it and drink it. The liquid is also good in soups.

The radishes are getting a bit big and hot to the tongue. Today I discovered that if I cut them up into slices and fry them to a light brown they are crunchy and the bite is gone. I put some in with my pork chop and cooked them in the juices. Mmm, good.

I got my egg steamer in the mail today and need to try it out. I hope it works as well as the commercials say it will.

I don't know how Big Brother is doing as I haven't heard anything in about two days. I tried to call, but no one answered the phone. I guess my sister-in-law was either in church or at the hospital.

I need to take more trash out for pick-up in the morning. I cont. to get rid of stuff, a little at a time.


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