Friday, May 29, 2009

Movie and eve. out

I went to the movies yesterday afternoon. I read the book and now have seen the movie of Angles and Demons. Both were good. The movie follows the book pretty well without deviating very much from the story. And the POPE said I could go see the there! After the move I had supper at the Chinese Buffet and the Pope wasn't invited..nope. I ate well, but not as well as some that I saw filling their plates to over flowing and going back for more. There is overweight..there is fat..and there is trailer wide. I am overweight and admit it. And the government is worried about the methane expelled from cows! HA!

Did you know that methane gas can be captured and burned like gas? Some farmers do it and years ago Mother Earth News ran an article on "how to" for urban dwellers to capture and burn the gases to light your own personal yard/street lamps.

This afternoon a photographer from the local paper came to take pictures of those criminal chickens that the city is prosecuting. Bad chickens...baaad chickens!! They will run a story in the paper in favor of chickens...I hope. They copied an article that my big sister sent from the University of Virginia pertaining to urban/city chickens. I also got some articles from the library and had them copied off from City and Backyard I'm not going down without a cluck..squawk..or what ever.

I found out that chickens absolutely love melon rinds and the seeds and will scarf them down like they were starving...which the aren't. I believe I will let them out into the yard in the eve. to have at it. If I wait until about 7 PM they will be ready to go back into the coop as the light fails.

I took more stuff to the Salvation Army. All the stuff that was out in the rain yesterday was still out there this afternoon and the bins were still stuffed full. A little mis-management going on there, says I. I know that if you buy anything within the store it is overpriced. From now on I will take my donations elsewhere. At the Goodwill Store you ring the back door bell and they come and take it and help you unload, if necessary. Then again, there are those that leave their "donations" at the back door and take off leaving their trash/donation for someone else to haul off.

The "neighbor" came and finally mowed the their yard. However, the trash pile remains and has just about ruined my chain link fence, bowing it inward substantually. They don't live there, but try to rent it out. No one wants to live there, thus far. I had heard that when they lived in the trailer court around the corner they had to go in with a big truck and clean out the trash.

Thus goes the world and thus the End of this post.

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