Wednesday, August 12, 2009

DoDo,big bird

You can tell school is back in session; it is hard to get on the internet as every kid in the country has a school provided computer. I did laugh when they announced on the news last night that FaceBook, Twitter, and MySpace were locked out. Good.

I thought at my age I had seen 'most everything, but maybe not. There were four old woman sitting in a corner. They had brought in big 1 qt. insulated mugs. They got their reg. drinks and drank them, went back for refills and filled their mugs, then went back to refill their reg. drinks and get caps for them. They ate their meals and before they left they bought carry outs. One individual was as big as a bus and had no neck. Just a straight line from chin to chest. Obese is a nice word for walking heart attack.

I bought four Cornish Hens and put them in the freezer. They are about the right size for a single person, yet you can get a couple meals out of them. I have to go out again tomorrow, so I will look for some more meat to put into the freezer when I come back from my appointment.

Gas is slightly lower than it was a few days ago. It was $2.54-57 and now it is back down to $2.49. It won't last long because they will jack it back up for labor day. I am tired of the constant manipulation by the big oil companies, Wall Street and a miserable government body of thieves and idiotic DoDos. A DoDo is a big bird with a very small brain. I don't know where Obama fits into the wall art, unless we can call him "King DoDo.

Tomorrow is trash day so I will close off my ramblings and got take the garbage out. To bad we can do the same with the politicians. Sweep um up, bag um up and let the "sanitary engineers" pick um up. Then they can lie and cheat and babble nonsense all the way to the recycling center. LOL's all the way. Yes!!!


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