Monday, August 3, 2009


Swine Flu has raised it snotty snout in Ky. In Mulhlenberg Co, just about 40 miles from here, 49 students studying at the Career Center are sick city. They are considering weather they may hold off starting school.. My guess is that a lot of parents will keep their kids home for a bit as the bugaboo seems to spreading. This morning the count of ill students at the Career Center was around 37 and has already increased to 49 of confirmed infected.

The crickets are moving in. They come in under the doors. They are a sure sign of things to come-like fall. They even get into my sink. I don't know how they jump so high, but they do. They chirp all night and drive me semi-silly.

The Rambler has been started and parked in front of my house. The reason that it is in front and not up in the driveway is because my new neighbors are already dumping their empty fast food containers out of their cars and onto the sidewalk or into the street directly in front of my house. People are driving by and checking out the old 1960 Nash Rambler. Hmmm, maybe someone will come by and buy it.

I need to go back to Lows and get the proper size stove pipe topper. It is the thingy that keeps the rain from coming in. I got one this morning, but it was too small.

Also, I need to carry in more canned goods and put them away. I think I have done about enough bargain hunting for this month.

Obama is gonna tax the American Slave Populous in order to fund his debt. We, the peon's knew he would: it was just a question of time. I call us the American Slaves because we will be chained to the government's massive debt for eons to come.

I see so many people hitting the Goodwill Store. The layoffs are creeping ever higher. Today I went and cashed out my Ford stock so I could get some more work done on the house. I started to rethink it and decided that maybe I would keep half of it active, but by the time I got to the broker it had already been sold. Ford stock is going up and seems to be selling well 'cause someone snatched mine up fast. Wish I had more.

Just a note of caution: Home Invasions are increasing in this area as the economy gets sucked out. Be aware of your doors and windows and how well they will keep intruders out. Lock up, stock up, arm up.


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