Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nothing to blog about

Oh darn. I went to the bank this afternoon to deposit my pension. I forget the check. I remembered my deposit slip, though. I wanted to beat the rush as all the checks come out tomorrow on the third. I guess I get to go back to the bank on Friday after all.

I am at a loss of what to write about tonight. I did a couple recipes last night, so I don't want to do that. I could expound about herbal medicines, but no, I don't wanna. I thought about doing an analyses on the 23 Palsm, but I am to lazy. I may do that yet, but not tonight.

I did finish the book I was reading, ATLAS SHRUGGED by Anyn Rand. That was a major endeavor on my part, but I got it done. That would be a good book for the younger generation to read. If I were a college teacher I would make it a mandatory reading for English. Only most collage students today just couldn't digest it. It is some heavy duty philosophy in novel form.
I have started a new book, but it is light, easy reading. I needed to give my brain a rest.

Not much going on or anything interesting to write bout. When I started this blog I promised myself I would post something every day except Sunday. I have, boring though it maybe.


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