Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cool for Global Warming

Yup, a pretty cool day for June. When I got up the temp. was only 53 degrees, good sleeping weather. It hasn't really warmed up much either. I like it. Air conditioning or heat not needed.

I have been to the Doctor. He seems to think that I have a large bone chip in my elbow. As it doesn't hurt I will leave it for now and not worry about it. B/P is up, but weight is down slightly.
He also signed my petition to amend the codes pertaining to poultry.

I am sleepy because I get up too early and go to bed to late. Got to stop that.

I need a bigger feeder for the chickens. They are getting so big that they are crowding each other out and fighting for the fed. I need a good day to clean out their condo.

I wanted to paint their condo, but will wait for the outcome of Me vs. the City. I have heard that a petition is not worth much, but I continue to try to think of war tactics in my battle with the Commissioners..wish me luck..cluck, cluck.

I am saving water in soda bottles for various weather related contingencies. I also need to get some more kerosene, for my lamps and lanterns. I already have plenty of candles and a wood/barbecue smoker. What I don't have is a small generator for my freezer and refrigerator.
Last winter when we had the ice storm I was one of the few that had heat, electricity and phone
service, 'though intermittent occ. You can't count on being that lucky very often, so it is best to be prepared.

Kentucky seems to be in the Tornado Alley in spring, summer and even into late fall. We often have some really severe thunderstorm, too. I need to check the "Go Bag" to make sure that I have everything I may need. Yup, got toilet paper. You know, I even keep heavy duty Kotex in my bag because they make really good wound compresses. I have also
saved my arm slings for my "go bag." I think I need to replace my batteries and some of the food that I have...ahem...delved into. Yum.

Tonight I will eat boiled eggs and some chili. I cheated on my way home and stopped at Wendy's and got a Frosty and Fries. Now, it is time to bite the egg.

So, that's it folks. The End for today.

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