Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sleepy me

I'm sleepy. I always get sleepy when we have a full moon. I don't howl at the moon(yet). I just lay awake for a while. So I am sleepy the next day and I fell asleep on the couch.

I finally went and picked up that registered letter. I turned out to be nothing to worry about. It was about the people across the street seeking to add a patio and letting the neighbors know about it. Then you can protest if you don't like it. I don't plan on protesting.

The tattoo artist finally moved out from next door. He put out a trash pile about six feet high for pick up. Some is shrouded with an old blanket...maybe it's a body!! He left the yard with grass growing about three feet high and small trees growing even higher. I wonder what the inside of the house looks like.

I have about nine days left until I have to get rid of the chickens. That doesn't make me happy. Who am I or the chickens bothering? The houses on each side of me are empty and badly overgrown and harboring little rabbits. My yard is neat, mowed and trimmed, with a nice garden. Up the street the man has a dog that looks like you put a saddle on him and ride down the street, it is that big. He has a junk Caddy and a small trailer loaded with trash sitting idly in the yard. Across from him is a shed that has fell in and is a hazard to the children that live there. And the city is perturbed about my chickens? I could go on and on about what I see in this neighborhood.

It is my intention to post a good recipe tomorrow if no one changes my plans for me. It seems as if the phone rings a lot..a lot more than I want.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEVERLY, even 'though I am late. I didn't forget...just to much going on.


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Anonymous said...
