Monday, June 8, 2009

Hen House

I got up at 7 AM and now I am sleepy. It was fairly cool and humid, but I decided to clean out the Chicken Condo. I got the coop pretty well cleaned out and started on the chicken run, but something was nipping at my shoe laces and tugging on my shirt tail. I did get a pile scooped up in the run. The "gleaners" thought that was the perfect spot to scratch and hunt for bugs and corn or anything they had missed in their initial hunts for whatever flew, crawled or moved. A nightmare for insects of the world as the insects knew it.

At first the chickens were afraid of the big garden cart and the wide snow shovel I was using. No, it wasn't snow that I was shoveling. The birds soon got over being scared of the Invader from Outer Green Spaces, jumped into the cart and continued with the days work of hard working chickens. Very soon the cart was full of Aliens of the Feathered Kind. I went in the house to get my camera. When I went to get a shot of their antics they became camera shy and "chickened out" for that great, one time shot. It was so funny to see a cart full of chickens doing what they do best, making scratch in the sunshine.

I quit for the day because I needed to go pay my home owners insurance, take a result to the Dr. and go aggravate the city ordinance clerks. I asked for copies of the ordinance of my "grave" violation. What I saw did not specifically mention chickens/fowl as livestock. They are supposed to copy and mail me some other stuff pertaining to the so-called code violation.

A friend came over from Evansville and we went to the Golden Corral to eat too much. They kept announcing "code twenty." Finally I asked, "What is code twenty?" It turns out that code twenty is for all the staff to stop and wash their hands. Don't they always?? Code 200 is for someone to check the bathrooms. Did they think the bathrooms were going some where?? Actually, it is all about the Piggy(Mexican)Flue at bay.. I personally think it is an airborne, virus, but washing dirty hands is good, especially after messing with chicken poo...LOL.

Several blogs have been posting about sustainability. Well, you have to fight for your right to be self sufficient in a system that is in your face from the Federal Government, State Government, County Government, and Local Government, to your neighbors next door. I wonder, when it will end? You soon won't even have the right to feed yourself because some idiot legislatures are even considering to make it illegal to raise a garden in your own backyard. "LET THEM EAT CAKE."


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