Yes, the heat wave has finally broken for the next few days, at least. The chickens are calmer, more content. Having all those feathers must be like wearing a wool coat in the summer time.
I cleaned the chicken condo. It was littered with feathers. The chickens are moulting in the heat. They got a fresh load of newly cut green grass to scratch though and a giant zucchini to munch on. I cut it up in smaller pieces so that they all had a chance to get some, rather than the big, bully boy roosters. I will cut some lettuce that is going to seed and they will have that, too.
They are well fed, but I know they have lost wt. in the heat. Maybe they will pick up now.
Lat night I got to turn off the A/C until this morning. The temp dropped to about 66 degrees, but has since increased. It is in the upper 80's now. The humidity is down and that makes a big difference in how you(and them) function.
I had it in mind to go shopping for some odds 'n ends, esp. for distilled water. It is amazing or maybe distressing, on how much the prices are going up on everything. Distilled water was selling at 00.59 cents a few months ago and now it is about a dollar a jug.
The garden is in dire need of rain. The beans are drying up. I guess I will pull the hose out tomorrow and let it flow wide open.This happened last year, too. We had lots of rain in the spring and then went right right into drought conditions.
If you are reading some of the lesser news stories there is real indications of food shortages worldwide and famine all over the globe. We, The Breadbasket of the World, are not longer producing grains and foods as we did 20 years ago. The earth has been drained of the minerals and natural green fertilizers that made this a wealthy nation. So stock up an all the organic greens and veggies you can 'cause you may really need it..
Each month I say I will buy an inverter that can supply electricity to the fridge and freezer and then I look at my bank account. I don't have debts so I don't know how Treesong does it. I guess I go out to eat too often, but it has been too hot to cook!
Now, if I make Zucchini Bread, do I peal the skin off or grind it up as well. I have never made it before, so tell me true.
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