Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday's rain

I guess I will change my name to Noah and build an ark, buy a boat or learn to swim. Yes, more and more rain. It makes the garden grow, but not me. I am still short.

Big Brother Harry and wife lost their power in the recent storm that hit Dallas. They lost a lot of the food in their refrigerator and freezer. If they had a generator neither one could have got it going due to their present health. If they had an inverter even Harry's wife could have hooked it up with simple directions.

An inverter is a handy little device about the size of maybe a shoebox. You can run it off a car battery until the power drains after several hours. It would be best to run it from your car battery while the car is running. You can run a power cord from the inverter to a freezer or fridge. You don't have to run the car continuously, but intermittently, long enough to keep your food frozen and cold.

A small inverter is not expensive; around $25.00 and on up, depending on the size you want. Like anything else, you can get the basic small inverter or whatever size you want to buy, according to your needs. The bigger the inverter the more you can run off it. You can get them from Wal Mart or buy them on line. It would be a good investment for most people on budgets or who have small houses/apartments.

The only appliances that I would want to keep running if the power went down would be the freezer and the fridge. I can exist with lamps and could muddle through without air conditioning. My main concern would be the time, effort and expense of food in the freezer. No one wants to lose their food in these uncertain times.

I do have have one other issue to consider and that is how to power up the CPap machine and O2 concentrator that I sleep with at night, a little appliance that people with Sleep Apnea depend on. I could make it, but I would probably fall asleep in the daytime!

A lady called today wanting to buy chickens. She doesn't have a place to keep them. She said she had an old barn that wasn't usable. I don't know where she untended to put them: maybe in the stew pot?

I guess I will have to feed the chickens 3 times a day. They eat non-stop and are never satisfied. I cut a lot of Swiss Chard that was getting too big and they ate that too. They are getting really big and untied both my shoe laces this morning. They probably looked like big, white worms to a little chicken eye.

I had intended to go to Wal Mart today, but the sky got so dark that I decided not to go. Then the wind came up and started blowing. I checked my new Cherry Tree to make sure it was still standing. The Wind blew a lot of the Plums off the tree and they are just getting ready to ripen...darn, that happened last year, too.

Some of the graphics that I added to fill spaces are where I don't want them. I can't seem to delete them yet. Sometimes life is an experiment.


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