Thursday, March 31, 2011


I  got up and at'um early and off to the garage this morning.  The oil was changed and they said I needed new front brakes.  I now have new, touchy brakes.  Also, I need to get some new tires one of these days; that is what I had been planning on doing in the fall, before winter.  I can't shovel out the money for tires right now.  Don't forget-the roof leaks, too!  And the home owners insurance is due and then auto insurance will be due next.  Well, what else can I do with my Social Security other than pass it from my hand to someone else's...LO L's!  Don't you know that we people of the entitlements are keeping the economy going?  Yes, we are!  That sounds like a good title for a book-"We People of the Entitlements!"
Old Man Of The River
The old man of the river
94 years old
Last of the local
River Rats
 Missing since mid-March
since the Ohio
ran high and swift.
Missing from his houseboat
missed by his 20 companion
the dogs were rescued
the old man was not.
They said he was one of a kind
an independent character
of a bygone age.
Today they found the
Old Man of The River
beside his houseboat.
A man of the river
born of the river
returned to the river
embraced by the waters
the Old Man loved.

RIP: Ovan Stinson
At one time there were a lot of houseboats on Pigeon Creek which flows directly into the Ohio River from the Indiana side.  They were banned in the late forties for sanitation reasons.  There are still a few around on the Ohio River, but I seldom see them.  I see a lot of "camps" on the banks of the Ohio and most of them are cabins or houses up on stilts.  Sometimes they are not quite not quite high enough and are washed away.
Gen. 3: part of vs. 19

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