Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Speak and I Obey

Beverly told me to relax and take it I did.  Alice told me to use my hips and legs...did that, too.  I took the day off from "work" and used my hips and legs to take me out to the van, to the beauty shop for a hair cut, to the library to get more books, and off to the Golden Corral to let someone else cook and wash the dishes.  I did manage to take all the trash out for pick up. speak and I obey!

Tomorrow I want to go to a couple stores and get some items.  I need eggs, but hate to pay $1.55 per doz.   I need some coffee creamer, too.  I am saving coffee grounds to put in a small area where I will plant a few radishes.  The Dandelions will be coming up soon, as well as Purslane, Pig weed, and Poke weed, and some onions are growing in the garden from last fall  I can have a green salad from the back yard!

The Plum tree is putting forth buds and there are small buds on the grape vines.  I need to trim the vines back a lot.  I didn't look at the seedless grape vines or the blueberries, yet.  I just planted them last year.  God's little creatures of the air get a whole lot more than I do, anyway.  I think I saw a widdle wabbit wiz across the yard, too.  I wonder if I could catch them and raise some.  Hmmm. 

Well, so much for this day; it's gone and won't come back and who likes living in the yesterdays, anyway.
Psalms 10: 1

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel!!

Hahaha cute post!! We are suppose to hit near 70 today but alas we are also suppose to get a few showers along with it. Typical spring!!

I need to go to the basement soon and turn the light on for my seedlings I started and give them a mist of water if they need it.

I have plenty to do inside if it does indeed rain but was hoping to get out and do some more yard work. Oh well, we can adjust to just about anything when need be. :-)

Hope you have a wonderful day and ummm take it easy but use your hips and legs if you need to, LOL.

Love ya, Alice