Thursday, June 9, 2011


I'm tired and will go to bed early.  We went to the Olive Garden and had a really good lunch.  I had Chicken Scampi on Angle Hair Spaghetti and Debbie had Lasagna.  We both had double salads.  I really enjoyed the lunch as you can actually taste the various flavors.  However, I ate too much.  After the lunch we went back to Debbie's and watched 2012.  Now there is a scary movie.

I didn't get home until 6 P. M.  I was out almost the whole day.  At least the temperature dropped slightly and I won't have to run about naked in order to cool off.  Now, that would be a real scary sight!.  The humidity is a little lower, too.

The pump on the bird bath seems to have stopped working, but I filled it anyway.  I looked at my plants and they didn't seemed to be as shriveled up as on other days.  I need to figure out where I want to plant my sweet potato(s) and one cucumber plant that is starting to vine.  As it is predicted to be a bit cooler this week-end, I will get it done.  I am considering a small summer(fall)garden because some of the things I wanted to plant did not get planted because of all the rain.  I have time to think about it.  It may be a long, hot summer.

Beverly is getting ready to go to Denver.  I hope it will be cool for her out there.  I keep telling her she should go gold mining, but I don't think it appeals to her!  It appeals to me, 'though, esp. at $1,800.00 an ounce.  Two or three ounces and I would be good to go!

And I am bed.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel!!

What is that movie about? I have not even heard of it but then again, I don't watch tv to see the promos for movies either, LOL.

It has also cooled off here. We did not get the rains they predicted but I am glad it is cooler. We need the break.

Sounds like you had a great lunch! Glad you had such a good day yesterday. I had a very interesting evening at bible study. We were learning about the various names of God that are in the bible. Quite interesting! The lady that teaches our weekly study is really quite knowledgeable. Doesn't have the best speaking voice in the world but that is OK. Wish more folks would go to support her though. She travels an hour and a half each way to do this for the church.

I am still going to take it easy the next couple of days even though it would not hurt for me to be back out in the garden. My back is not liking too much activity. Just standing and doing a little cooking hurts. Sure hope the meds kick in soon.

Hope you have a good day and don't over do it!
Love, Alice