Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hot..and that all I have to say about that

Contrary to my own advice I got out and mowed the back yard in this 97 degree heat.  Wearing a straw hat and only mowing two rows at a time, stopping often and drinking plain water, I got the back yard done.

Another sweet potato slip is putting out little green shoots..  I hope to plant the slips deep in a pile of grass clippings.  The extra heat and moisture from the composting grass clippings should make them take off.  I put coffee grounds and egg shells in with my pepper plants and buried them in about 6 inches of grass clippings.  They were shriveling in the heat in spite of all the water I put on them.  They perked right up after getting a nice blanket of fresh green grass clippings. I hope the produce like crazy.

I am still trying to cool down after my little job in the back yard.  I have drank a lot of H2O and Lemonade, but I wanted those clippings.  In between I cleaned out the bird bath which was becoming gross.  The water went right on the Peppers along with all the birdy poo.

Using a crass catcher is extra work and I don't do it every time I mow, but every other time I put the clippings on the garden, and now on the potato plants.  The garden soil is worn out and I am trying to build it up again without using chemicals.

One of the old fellow at the home had a perfect garden without tilling.  He had several inches of leaves in his garden spot and all he had to do was to make a hole and plant.  He had the biggest tomatoes you could ever imagine.  After Joe passed away Father Lindoure tried to carry on with the tomatoes for the home because all the residents loved the fresh tomatoes from the garden.

I did clean the bathroom today.  At least I got that done on the inside, and the dishes washed.  Bully for me.  I am all washed up or worn out..so I am outta here.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel!!

Ha! I see you don't practice what you preach very well, LOL. Well, at least we both got some much needed jobs done yesterday and even though we are paying for working in the heat we have a great sense of satisfaction for completeing the tasks.

I don't have many grass clippings in my yard right now but the abandoned house next door as a ton of them as the city was out and mowed. So my taske this evening is to go rake up a wheelbarrow full and bring them over here for my potato plants. That will probably be all the work I can handle this evening as I am getting shots in my back this morning.

Hope you can take it easy today and recover from your work yesterday!

Love, Alice