Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I put in a hard-working day.  I didn't get everything finished that was on my agenda, but I made a good stab at it.

I have not yet canned the bean soup 'though I should finish it in the morning.  I let it simmer for several hours, then turned it off to let it cool.  I just finished putting it all through the blender and then into the crock pot to keep it hot overnight.  I should can in the A. M.-that is if I don't get interruptions.

I suppose I take a few extra steps in my canning of bean soup, but I like it to be creamy and smooth.  I am ready with six pint jars, but may need to get a couple large jars out, just in case.

When I say I put in a hard day I do mean it.  I did a good job on the back yard and it looks nice.  Again, I need to trim.  There is Virginia Creeper, an ivy, growing in grate abundance on and along the fence.  The new neighbors think it is Poison Ivy and that is there reason for not mowing their back yard.  They say they are allergic.  I will have to pull all that Virginia  Creeper off the fence.  I wish...just once...I would get neighbors that would take care of their yard

I pulled some really heavy wooden objects out to the alley for pick-up in the morning.  I hope they take them because I am tired of mowing around them or trying to move them.  One item is a home made wooden trap for a wood chuck that was living under the shed a couple years ago and the other item is a wooden laying box that was for my "chicken house."  You remember the chickens, don't you?  LO Ls on that.  Anyway, trying to do that kind of heavy  work really bothers my arm.  I finally had to quit and come in.  I am probably not a good risk for surgery as I age, but I wish I had all those pins, plates and screws all in a little box that I could set out for the trash pick-up.

I think I will get a glass of mild, take an Ibuprofen and go to bed.

P.S.  The news said that Ky. is the worst state in the Union for eating out and obesity.  I'll buy that! 
Also, it is supposed to be the most poorly run state in the Union.   Do yo buy that?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel,

I did not get much done yesterday. When I got back from errands and shopping I could not stand upright again. Of course I had a lot of heavy stuff, mostly pet food. That tweaked my back and I was down for the day again. :-(

I took a couple of muscle relaxers last night and was pretty much knocked out until about 3am when I woke up with the worst muscle cramps I had had in the long time. Walked the floors for a half hour trying to stretch the cramps out, took another muslce relaxer and went back to bed.

Didn't get up till 7am and I am feeling worn out already. But I have to run down to the store to exchange the propane tank for my grill. Have two tanks and both are empty.

Then I plan on finally getting this computer moved into the office. Hope to get out and do some weeding this afternoon before bible study tonight. Will see how it goes, if not today, tomorrow for sure.

Have a great day!